(Suggestions) Only YOU know how to do it best

It all starts with a conversation

"Have you heard -  scientists believe that just 100 Nukes could cause Nuclear Winter, devastating all food production on our planet for 25 years?  Did you know that there are more than 14,000 Nukes out there?.."

Engage Friends and Family

"Did you see this segment by John Oliver? https://youtu.be/1Y1ya-yF35g He's a funny guy and he has a cool delivery, but what he's saying is: "America has over 4,800 nuclear weapons, and we don’t take terrific care of them. It’s terrifying, basically." Remember Dr. Strangelove? Let's watch the classic movie together - and talk about where we are today..."

Raise Student awareness and activity

"As long as you're far from a Nuke blast, you're safe, right? Wrong. Let's listen together to atmospheric scientist Brian Toon as he explains how even a small nuclear war could destroy all life on earth & what we can do to prevent it. Professor Toon investigates the environmental impacts of nuclear war. He contributed to the U.N.’s Nobel Peace Prize and holds numerous scientific awards, including two NASA medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. Afterwards, let's discuss" 15 Minute TED Talk: https://youtu.be/M7hOpT0lPGI

Demonstrate for No More Nukes

"You know, in the 1980s literally millions of people across America, Europe and Asia took to the streets in non-violent, peaceful protests - to get politicians to care about nuclear disarmament. By the early 1990s the U.S. and Russia had eliminated thousands of Nukes from their arsenals. But did you know that it all started with a few women with no political experience at all? Mothers, concerned that their kids would be killed by Nukes or Nuclear Winter. So, why aren't we out there now - when thousands of nuclear weapons are aimed at Mothers, Fathers and Children?.."

Petition Government

Every time someone speaks up against Nukes and says: "I believe nuclear weapons are inhumane, immoral and illegal. All countries should join the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" it chips away at their legitimacy. So say it, loud and often. And if you're in a country that endorses nuclear weapons, demand change! 9 countries - Russia, U.S., France, China, U.K., Pakistan, India, Israel, North Korea - today possess 14,575 Nukes; and they have not signed this treaty. Petition your elected officials. Tell them: No More Nukes. It is time to 1. Freeze, 2. Reduce, 3. Eliminate