Mission: raise awareness + promote dialogue + get action = No More Nukes

“The #1 overall goal here is to reduce the number of Nuclear Weapons and to prevent the stumbling into any sort of Nuclear conflict” - the Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee Rep. Adam Smith in 7 minutes covers the 3 main issues that he plans to address. Let’s spread the word - and support the efforts in the U.S. Congress to significantly reduce Nukes 

Will history teach us nothing?

In the 1980s Citizens around the world spoke out for nuclear disarmament. And Leaders took action. 

Together. Helping make the world around us a safer, better and happier place. 

Our aim is to remind those who have forgotten. 

And enlighten the new generations. 

All together, now: No More Nukes!

We are letting the Doomsday Clock run the wrong way

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: right now humanity is at the closest point to annihilation since the Cold War.

In 1984 Doomsday was "3 minutes" away. After massive protests, a series of Nuclear disarmament treaties were negotiated, concluded and carried out by the United States and Russia - in 1991 the counter was moved back to "17 minutes", the safest condition ever

But by 2018 we have allowed the world to slip to just "2 minutes" away from Armageddon. Today 9 countries possess 14,575 nuclear weapons. Science shows - it would take only 100 Nukes to devastate all humankind.

Get Involved

It's up to us. Call on Governments to:

 1. Freeze = no new Nukes are needed

2. Reduce = 100 is enough to destroy life on Earth

3. Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Please use the resources on this site to learn how active Citizens achieved Nuclear disarmament in the past. Start dialogues - in your community and globally. 

Educate others about the dangers of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) or even a single use of Nukes (the horrible loss of life and devastation of the cities of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the pain and suffering for the survivors). 

Have your voice against Nuclear weapons be heard!